welcome to
olivia grace cook“I promise that if you keep searching for everything beautiful in this world,
you will eventually become it.” -Tyler Kent White
a monthly missive of things i’m loving and learning lately
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Hello & Welcome
I’m Olivia, a writer living on the central coast of California. Welcome to my cozy corner of the internet!
On my YouTube channel, Olivia Grace Cook, I create cozy vlogs that document my writing journey, as well as a series of literary analysis videos that explore the stories I love most.
This website, Simply Olivia Grace, is my semi-retired blog about creating a beautiful life. You can still find posts on all things creativity, life design, and literature. I hope these writings encourage and inspire you on your creative journey!
Recent Posts
I’m taking a break for a while
Hey there, friends! Looking ahead at the next few months, I’ve been thinking about where I want to be by the end of 2020. I've decided I want to press the pause button on this blog, for a little while. As the days grow shorter, the evenings grow longer, and the last...
balancing productivity and rest
2020 has been a year of many questions. One question I’m pondering right now, in the changing of the seasons: how do I balance productivity and rest?
plan with me // october 2020
It’s October: the month of apple cider and pumpkin spice, autumn leaves and jack o’lanterns. Cozy season has come at last! Put on your comfiest cardigan, grab a warm beverage, and let’s plan October!