Photo by Lesia and Serhii on Unsplash
Hey there, friends! Looking ahead at the next few months, I’ve been thinking about where I want to be by the end of 2020. I’ve decided I want to press the pause button on this blog, for a little while.
As the days grow shorter, the evenings grow longer, and the last months of the year draw to a close, I want to give myself space to create for the sheer joy of it. Although I enjoy creating blog posts, they soak up a deceptive amount of time—time that I’d rather devote to writing my novel. In the words of Bilbo Baggins, I want to “settle down somewhere quiet where I can finish my book.”
For that reason, I’m pausing blog posts indefinitely so I can free up time to work on my novel for Nanowrimo and enjoy the holidays with family and friends. I’ll continue to sporadically post videos on my YouTube channel (make sure to subscribe here so you don’t miss out)…but otherwise, I’ll see you later!
Stay cozy,
<3 Olivia Grace